▶ Type: LCM with Chinese and English font library
▶ Display content: 128x64
▶ Overall dimensions (mm): 45.0x42.0x5.4
▶ VA size (mm): 36.0x33.5
▶ Type: LCM with Chinese font
▶ Display pixels: 128x64
▶ Overall dimensions (mm): 54.6x52.0x5.2
▶ VA size (mm): 45.2x27.0
▶ Type: Standard COB LCD module
▶ Display pixels: 128x64
▶ Overall dimensions (mm): 63.0x52.2x11.5
▶ VA size (mm): 54.0x36.0
▶ Type: COG LCD module with board
▶ Display pixels: 128x64
▶ Overall dimensions (mm): 40.6x32.2x11.0
▶ VA size (mm): 37.0x23.3
▶ Type: COB LCD module with Chinese font
▶ Display pixels: 128x64
▶ Overall dimensions (mm): 93.0x70.0x10.0
▶ VA size (mm): 71.4x38.7