
Grain in Ear in 2024

"When the rain comes and the Grain in Ear comes, rice is planted everywhere. Every family has delicious wheat rice, and everywhere there are songs about water chestnuts." The Grain in Ear solar term will arrive at 12:10 on June 5th, Beijing time. Grain in Ear is one of the typical solar terms that reflects agricultural phenology in the 24 solar terms.

Hot Display sows hope in the Grain in Ear season, and we work with customers to develop new projects. We are good at providing reliable and high-quality solutions. Hot Display has always been with customers, making progress together, sowing seeds of hope, and looking forward to harvesting a future with beautiful fruits together!

Born towards the sun, Hot Display's industrial-grade display screen is not afraid of high temperatures! It is a reliable display manufacturing expert! Welcome to contact us!


Related keywords: Grain in Ear in 2024
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