
The protective effect of reflective TFT on eyes

What is Computer Vision Syndrome


Computer vision syndrome refers to eye discomfort and fatigue caused by prolonged use of computers or other digital screen devices, as well as possible other physical symptoms. Prolonged use of computers or other digital screen devices may cause eye fatigue, dryness, blurred vision and other problems, which is often referred to as "computer eye fatigue". Additionally, staying in the same position for long periods of time, such as sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time, can cause discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and back, which is also known as "computer neck pain."

What causes computer vision syndrome?

Causes of computer vision syndrome usually include the following aspects:

1. Continuous use of computers or other digital screen devices for a long time: Continuous use of computers, tablets, smartphones and other digital screen devices for a long time will cause the eyes to be in a state of concentration for a long time, which can easily lead to eye fatigue and dryness.


2. The focus of the eyes is constantly adjusted: When using a computer, the eyes need to constantly adjust the focus from the text or images on the screen to the surrounding environment. This frequent adjustment may cause eye fatigue.

3. Poor working posture: Maintaining a fixed sitting or head posture for a long time, especially in an inappropriate working environment, may cause discomfort in the neck, shoulders and back, which can also Increase eye fatigue.


4. Improper lighting:Insufficient or excessive light in the work environment can affect vision and increase the risk of eye strain.

5. Screen radiation:Prolonged exposure to the light emitted by electronic screens, especially blue light, and while the amount of HEV blue light may be negligible compared to the total amount produced by the sun, researchers worry that the frequency, proximity and duration of our use will have long-term effects. Of greatest concern is the potential impact on children, as their eyes absorb more blue light than adults and they use technology for longer periods of time during their early stages of development, potentially causing some degree of eye damage. Increase visual fatigue.


6. Personal factors: Personal factors such as vision problems, dry eye syndrome, eye disease, etc. may also increase the risk of computer vision syndrome.

To mitigate or prevent computer vision syndrome, you can do the following:

1. Take regular breaks:Every once in a while, like every hour, take short breaks to step away from the screen and relax your eyes. You can relieve eye fatigue by resting with your eyes closed, looking into the distance, and eye massage.

2. 20-20-20 rule:Every 20 minutes, look at a distant object (at least 20 feet away) for 20 seconds. This helps reduce eye fatigue caused by overuse of the screen at close range.


3. Adjust screen settings: Make sure the brightness and contrast of the screen are moderate to reduce eye irritation to light. Additionally, consider reducing blue light radiation from screens, such as through screen filters or using special blue light filter glasses.

4. Maintain a correct working posture: Make sure you sit correctly, keep your head, neck and back in a natural position, and keep the screen at an appropriate distance from your eyes (about 20-26 inches) to reduce eye fatigue.

5. Good lighting: Make sure the working environment has enough natural light, avoid screen reflections, and adjust indoor lighting appropriately to reduce eye fatigue.

6. Proper eyeglass care: For people who use glasses, keep them clean and check regularly whether the power of the glasses needs to be adjusted.

7. Eye moisturizing: If your eyes feel dry, you can use artificial tears or eye moisturizer to relieve symptoms.

8. Regular eye examinations: Conduct regular eye examinations to ensure that your vision is in good condition, and to detect and deal with potential eye problems in a timely manner.

9. Switch to an eye-protecting reflective TFT display: Compared with traditional luminous displays, reflective TFT displays can reduce eye irritation to a certain extent.


 By taking these steps, you can reduce the eye discomfort and fatigue caused by prolonged use of computers or other digital screen devices, thereby preventing or alleviating the occurrence of computer vision syndrome.

What is reflective TFT

With the increasing attention paid by consumers to eye health, people are increasingly pursuing a display screen that has low damage to the eyes. HoT Display Technology has a strong research and development team. In response to market demand, we have developed a backlight free, sunlight readable TFT, aiming to minimize the damage of electronic products to the eyes!

Thin Film Transistor is a liquid crystal display (LCD) technology that belongs to a variant of TFT-LCD. In reflective TFT, pixels are controlled by thin film transistors (TFTs), but the mechanism behind reflective LCD technology is very simple: each pixel is formed by a diffuse mirror (as shown in Figure 1), rather than using the backlight behind the LCD unit (as shown in Figure 2) to illuminate the display, thus fully utilizing the available ambient light.

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                                        (Figure 1)                                                                                       (Figure 2)                                                                 


The main principle of reflective TFT technology is to use the rotation of liquid crystal molecules to cause ambient light to be reflected when passing through the pixels. This technology makes the display easier to read outdoors or in brightly lit environments because it does not require a backlight. Since no backlight is required, the battery consumption of reflective TFT is relatively low. Therefore, reflective TFT technology is more common in some devices that require higher battery life, such as e-book readers.

However, compared with traditional TFT-LCD, the image quality of reflective TFT may be affected by ambient light, so reading difficulties may occur in low-light environments. In addition, due to its dependence on ambient light, the display effect of reflective TFT may appear distorted or darkened under uneven lighting or shadow areas.

In general, reflective TFT is an LCD technology suitable for some specific scenarios, especially in environments where low power consumption and easy reading are required.

How does reflective TFT protect eyes?

Reflective TFT technology does not have a special protective effect on the eyes, but is more eye-friendly than traditional backlight TFT-LCD display technology in certain environments!

The main protective effects are reflected in the following aspects:

Reduce glare and reflection: In outdoor or bright environments, reflective TFT technology utilizes ambient light for reflection display, so it does not produce significant glare or reflection compared to backlit TFT-LCD. This can reduce the light stimulation to the eyes, reduce eye fatigue and discomfort.

Natural light adaptation: Reflective TFT technology enables the display to naturally adapt to changes in the surrounding environment's lighting. Under different lighting conditions, the image on the display screen does not undergo significant changes, which helps the eyes better adapt to different lighting environments and reduce fatigue caused by frequent focus adjustments.

Advantages in low brightness environments: In low brightness environments, reflective TFT displays may not be as bright as backlit TFT-LCDs. However, reflective TFT screens do not produce backlight, so in these situations, it can provide a more comfortable reading experience and reduce the likelihood of eyes being stimulated by strong light.

In summary, in certain specific environments, due to the characteristics of its working principle, it can reduce the light stimulation to the eyes, provide a more comfortable reading experience, and indirectly protect the health of the eyes.


Reflective TFT has the following advantages over traditional backlight TFT-LCD display technology:


Low power consumption: Reflective TFTs do not require a backlight, so they consume less energy when displaying images, making them suitable for devices that rely on battery power, such as e-book readers, smartwatches, etc.

Easy to read: Reflective TFT utilizes ambient light for reflection, so it usually has good visibility in outdoor or bright environments, without any issues of reflection or glare, and users can easily read the displayed content outdoors.

Environmental protection: The absence of backlighting means that reflective TFTs have minimal environmental impact during production and use, reducing energy consumption and promoting environmental protection.

Anti glare performance: Reflective TFTs exhibit good anti glare performance under strong light irradiation, which means that even in direct sunlight, users can still clearly see the content on the display screen.

Visible in sunlight: Compared to traditional TFTs, this reflective TFT is clearly visible in sunlight, especially in bright natural light. This type of display screen has more advantages in display effect, making it particularly suitable for outdoor reading modes.

Overall, reflective TFT technology has significant advantages in certain specific scenarios, especially in areas that require low power consumption, ease of reading, and environmental friendliness.

For more information about reflective TFT, we welcome you to study and research together, please contact us!

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